Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Obsession, You're My Obsession....

New Obsessions: more poll information that one human being needs or would want. Simultaneously comforting and disconcerting.

Huffington Post: Okay, not really new, but I check it hourly now instead of daily. Where else can you get political news and find out that Joaquin Phoenix says "I Quit!"? Good for what ails you. Maybe.

Boots: Can I get a pair of boots now? Please?

Cookies: Can there be a cookie that tastes delicious and doesn't make me feel guilty? We'll see.

That's all for now. While I should have been planning for class, I was obsessing. Now, off with me...


susansinclair said...

I'm willing to leave the cookies alone for a while if I can have the boots.

Please oh please??

I guess parka should be above boots on the list...

Lisa B. said...

Have those boots! Have them!

I am going to fight myself off checking the new poll site because my head might literally explode with any more election data.