Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Mid-day Oasis + Poem One in PoemADay Project

Now that I am at La Barba (Charming Beard inside Finca, downtown SLC) I've decided that I should start a thing which is basically to go out to fancy restaurants at a Non-Standard Time (NST) in order to eat Whatever the Hell I Want (WHIW) and Drink in the Afternoon (DIA).
Today, sadly, I am merely drinking delicious coffee and eating a Way Too Small Complementary Cookie (WTSCC). I have Grading To Do (GTD) which I am Consciously Avoiding via Coffee Addiction (CACA).
But I wanted you to know that I have a Project, which is this NSTWHIW project and that if you'd like to join me, that Can Be Arranged (CBA). Perhaps this will be my Summer Project (SP) not to be confused with my Summer Writing Project (SWP) or my Vacation at Home (VaH) project.

In other news, I started my (really bad) Poem a Day project, which I will post here and other places for your edification. The prompt today was to write a poem based on a joke. I give you....

Cat on the Roof

My favorite joke ends with the line, “Mom is up on the roof.”
Earlier, a man asks his brother how to tell a friend that his cat
died. “Break it gently,” he says, advice which tells us how to do
so many things: dump a lover, crack an egg, tell a student that
he’s failing. But there aren’t enough roofs for all the tragedies
that befall us, all the ways the universe thwarts what we want,
substituting instead  what fate ordains should be.  
Meanwhile, back in the joke, the brothers still can’t
deal with death. No surprise that my favorite joke has a death
wish: I’m obsessed with it. Daily, fear of death stalks me,
a stealthy cat, pouncing with claws out, or tamely rubbing against
me. In the mundane acts of life, we’re assaulted by profundity.
The punch line is: all of us will die. The joke, in this regard, is true.
The trick is how to get the body off the roof.


Nik said...

I love it. It is not bad. There are not enough roofs. I'm inspired.

Lisa B. said...

How is it that I missed your sonneteering???? Obviously insufficiently close reading. Nice work, you.

Lisa B. said...

Also, I would seriously like to join your NSTWHIW project. Maybe I could join you at AWP?