What is going on? Absolutely nothing!
My daily schedule includes cooking meat (three kinds today, oh wait, make that 4), eating, working out (two times), trying to submit writing (on-line) and only submitting two things before deciding that it's hard and time consuming, culling through books and dividing them into piles: give away, home office, school office and What book is this? Who brought this into the house?
Also: cleaning the tub (isn't that someone else's job?), worrying (definitely my job) and trying not to obsess (about selling the house, not writing, running).
I somewhat successfully freed my run by running without music or a watch. I had a sort of route which went to a friend's place of work (running store) and back in a kind of loop that I thought was probably about 3 miles. It was more and I know this because though I "freed" my run from accessories I can't not know what I ran even if I don't know how long it took me. So I mapped it. But it was mostly free from obsession, so that's good.
As I was trying to submit stuff on-line I thought: who will even read it, even if one of these places takes it? It was my stab at not caring, because I forget to submit stuff. I don't think I've submitted stuff since the fall.
But it's sunny! Welcome summer! Please stay for more than one day!
By music length is also how I measure runs. But I run slow so thirty minutes on my iPod means about 30 feet, at least when I map it.
I'm so glad it's not snowing today. A sign of summer I'm sure!
I'm also so glad you blogged. Yay for summer blogging, writing, submitting, running, eating, and, it looks like for some of us, cleaning.
I loved the bright sun and the warmth today--and I love that you posted! I say let's all post up a storm and let's free up everything--absolutely everything. I hope there's some movie-going in your summer, too.
Your comments about running reminded me of a little ditty I published in an ultramarathoning magazine (circulation like 134) called the delicious details of obsession where I outline the obsession involved in a day in the life of me running--the weather, pre-run eating, split times, mile pace etc.
I miss the delicious details of running--thanks for the vicarious experience and ensuing nostalgia.
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