Assertively Unhip and Beau warm up the crowd with a stunning rendition of Jennifer Warner and Joe Cocker's "Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong." I believe AU is gesturing in an attempt to convey to Beau that the lyrics in pink are hers. But to no avail. He sang all the lyrics, gave 1000%, and was therefore out of comission for the rest of the karaoke adventure.
Here, AU and I are doing our interpretation of "Copacabana." I don't think you can see it, but our hand motion and dance moves are amazing. Amazing!
The beautiful High Touch does "Roam" thereby putting my own vocals to shame. "Roam if you want to, Roam around the world!"
Middlebrow stuns us all with his version of Cake's "Short Skirt, Long Jacket." As AU said, he enunciated very well.
All in all, a great evening. I mixed my liquors and beer to no ill effect. Had a good breakfast at Eggs in the City. All in all, a fabulous 24 hours.
Thank you, Dr. Write, for being our documentarian. Ever excitable, I could not sleep when I came home, but was so glad we all got together to do this--we bold, we beautiful, we swell dancers, we excellent enunciators. We will have to plan Karaoke Adventure, Episode 2 before the summer is over.
It does sound like you had a good time. I would have preferred to take the Historian's tack on this evening: no singing. Period.
A stomach ailment and over-tiredness from staying up late because it is warm and it is summer were my bane, however. I couldn't muster the intestinal fortitude (literally) to go to Ego's and scoff at your attempts to get me to sing.
Do it on a Thursday (if they do kareoke anywhere on a Thursday) and I might just favor you with a mean Jim Morrison interpretation. Or maybe not. Most likely not.
Oh and you should get Elisa of the family Stone to join in this. She was kareoke queen of 1998.
Yes, if there are lyrics in pink and lyrics in blue, there is obviously a gender distinction being made. The beau should have known this. But deep down, I really wanted to be Joe Cocker, so can I really blame him for wanting to be Jennifer Warnes?
This looks like incredible fun. Weren't we going to do this when I was there? :( In NYC now trying to organize a Karaoke trip to the East Village, we'll see if we sing our lungs out.
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