Monday, May 07, 2007

Let the Summer Writing Begin

Today was offically the first day of Summer Writing, wherein Dr. Write gets the mornings (until noon, I suppose) and Middlebrow the afternoons (when do they end? Unknown). The bonus is that Son is still in school until the end of the month. So Monday through Thursday we both get afternoons.
I have signed Son up for an ungodly amount of camps: language camp, swimming lessons, bug camp and weather camp. And that's just June!
I am hoping that I can finish a draft of my second novel. (the first, of course, remains fragmentary and incomplete)
In July we will travel to Washington state for some vacation. But we have vowed not to let some ideal of a "balanced life" interfere with writing. Meaning: no good intentions in regards to camping, gardening, socializing. Maybe some hiking. That's as far as we'll go.
So, my goal is a chapter (25 pages) a week. That means five pages a day, with weekends to catch up if I fall behind. I hope I can keep it up!!
Today: word count 1,665. So far, so good.


Anonymous said...

yay for writing!

Hey, if you're gonna be in WA in the summer, maybe we can meet up. I'm planning a trip up there with the Things sometime this summer.

Anonymous said...

Also, I'm impressed by the 5 pages a day and am keeping fingers and toes crossed that nothing gets in the way of you getting it done.

Condiment said...

Good luck on yr novel and just meet the word goal without thinking about quality!!!!

Lisa B. said...

Wow. As a person who still has grading to do, may I just say that I'd like to kill you? while also wishing you well, indeed. I want to read "Novel" by Dr. Write. Pages, pages, pages.

ErinAlice said...

Good luck with the writing. I always say I am going to but I get too caught up in swimming and laying out....I know you have much better will power than I do so I am looking forward to reading novel. Just not during the summer :)

Clint Gardner said...

What the hell is bug camp?

Dr. Write said...

Well, it's a camp at the UMNH. They study bugs and all things buggy.

Scorpion's Tail said...

yes yes. you can do it! I can't wait to read...maybe I can be passed a draft late august/early sept.?