Thursday, April 17, 2008

ED 2

Today I'm going to try not to take 2 showers. This sometimes happens if I have to go teach and then I work out or swim later and have to shower again. Today I am just not showering in the morning. I don't actually have to meet with students today, instead I'm sitting in my office while they drop off essays and then meet in their workshop groups. So I'm hoping no one will notice that my hair is in a ponytail, and that I smell slightly of french fries.
After this, I'll workout at the gym and shower there.
My other promise is to take shorter showers at home. I think I need a timer with an alarm. Or a shower that just turns off in protest.
I am a super long showerer and I admit that. But I'm trying to change my ways.


Clint Gardner said...

One of my tasks is to get one of those shower timers. I think I'm going to go for the egg timer, however. I might even stop off at DI and see if I can find one.

Lisa B. said...

I like the idea of a shower that turns off in protest. It would give you a blast of cold water and say, "Enough already!" or "Jeez, you were clean 4.5 minutes ago!" or "The Earth thanks you for your shorter shower" (in a robot voice).