Friday, April 15, 2005

More Real Life vs. Academia

Rather than replying to Hightouch Megastore down in the footnotes of commentland, I decided to continue what I was talking about yesterday.
Yes! I completely agree with HTMS's comment that the most efficient method for avoiding the nearly impossible struggle is to. . .avoid it. Obviously, I am not in it for the glory. If so, I probably would be on the fast track somewhere with a bleeding ulcer and no life. As it is, I spent the morning with Son. We went to the park and then to Great Harvest for our free sample of Pumpkin and Chocolate Chip bread. (yum! Delicious!) Then we walked home and I watched him dig holes in the yard while I read a book for fun and professional edification (Bird by Bird).
I do think single men and some women have gotten ahead in this system that rewards what it rewards, but I also think many men have suffered. Some of them don't realize it, but I think many of them do miss out on their children's lives and regret it later.
So, as I said in a letter to the Chronicle (which was published some time back), I think the way for academic couples to balance work and life is for both of them to work in such a way that both of them get to do their own work and both of them get to spend time with the kids (or Kid in this case). I hope it can work out. I think it can. I'm the Little Academic Who Could!
I must go pull Son away from "George Shrinks" which he would watch 24 hours a day if it were on that long. Then there is always laundry and reading to "balance."
Life goes on, thank goodness!


Tim said...

YES, many men do miss out by living the gender role that our society has prescribed. In fact, I have to say that both genders miss out a great deal by the straight-jackets that are American sex roles.

Condiment said...

Do you not think that folks who sacrifice having a family and a complete life deserve to get ahead in business? Who wants to be an isolated, bitter, tenured, spinster/academic who has a few more publications than everyone else? Who wants to still be working on "The Key To All Mythologies" when they are 60? Is this someone you want to trade places with? Unfortunately, business and academia have never valued well-roundedness and I doubt they ever will.