Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Whore Returns to Whoring

I'm back. For photos of the Long, Lazy (and Inebriated) Weekend, see Middlebrow's latest post. Of course, I had to readjust to home life (drink green tea and check my email) before I could begin writing this morning.
But still, I managed to write about 2,000 words. My mind is also consumed with silly tasks to be done. Plus Son's last day of school is Thursday, and there is the portfolio to finish and photographs to be picked up.
And a trip to Costco, for healthy food, now that Middlebrow and I are (once again) on the eat heathy spend less money trip. (We seem to take this trip periodically, and then return to our insane eating and spending ways.)
Middlebrow tried to convince me over the weekend that we should buy a Honda Element. I think this was brought on by trying to pack all of us and our stuff plus the dog into the little Saturn. But on a hike, I managed to talk him into buying a used vehicle for camping, meaning no car payment and no worrying about mileage, since we will only use it for trips. I think it could work.


Scorpion's Tail said...

I agree with you Dr Write (of course says Middlebrow). As much as I like that Elemant, The Don has convinced me that buying new cars is one of the WORST things you can do for the environment. Plus we can always put Gus or son in our car for the many group camping trips we're gonna do (Hey I'm gonna copy and paste this to Middlebrow's blog), Cause what I really wanted to say was

Valerie said...

Yeah! Camping! Let's set something up.
I guess it depends on what kind of camping vehicle you buy. I told bonzerrific that he can't get another toy until they make hybrid ones. I don't think that's gonna fly.

Lisa B. said...

I am amazed that you came back from a vacation and wrote 2000 words. I usually need to whine 2000 times after vacation before I can get down to work. Good job.