Sunday, November 09, 2008

All that is good and righteous

Add friends, wine and conversation.
Mix liberally.


Lisa B. said...

People of America, this pie was good, righteous, and beyond all call of duty, delicious. Was it the actual apples, which Dr. Write procured with the sharp laboratory skillz of a scientist? was it the perfection of the crust? was it some mysterious alchemy in the making of this thing we call "Pie"? We may never know. But it was a monument. Good good good.

Dr Write said...

You are too, too generous. And it is among the many reasons I love you!

ErinAlice said...

That looks good. I am already thinking of the pecan pie I am going to try to make for Thanksgiving. And then eat. And the pumpkin. Yum. Pie.

Condiment said...

Do u hv a funky apron? Plz post pix of da funky apron.