Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Favorite Lines

Listen: it's late and I'm not that creative. So, I give you my two favorite lines from my nightly ritual, first an episode of "Pushing Daisies" then an episode of "Samantha Who?" You know, the best thing about TV ala the computer is that you can make your own lineups and there is always something you want to watch on!
Pushing Daisies: When a widow asks Ned how he knows how her husband died he says, "DNA. ish."
Samantha Who: Okay, honestly? I can't remember the line now. Which is ironic, I know. I think it was in the bar when she said something about wanting to help the little people and her shallow friend thought she meant dwarves. Maybe I'll think of it tomorrow.
*Update: here's the line. I had to go on-line and surf through the episode. So, yes, Samantha says she wants to quit her job, because she doesn't like it, so she can help "the little people." Her shallow friend says if everyone asked themselves if they were happy, they would all quit their jobs, "and the economy would collapse by morning. And how is that helping the dwarves?"
But I have to go to bed now, because supposebly I am getting up at 6 to exercise, but don't bet on that.
*Update: I did not get up at 6, but at 6:50. I went to the gym and ran two miles on the treadmill.


Lisa B. said...

How "not creative" made me laugh? that will be my back up post for tomorrow.

susansinclair said...

That was a funny funny line about the dwarves. And it reminds me of This is Spinal Tap--in danger of being crushed by a dwarf. Ha!