Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving: priceless

Number of pumpkins roasted: 3
Number of containers filled with peeled, cubed, uncooked, leftover pumpkin pieces: 8
Soups made: Curried Pumpkin Soup
Salad made: Caesar Salad (from The Surreal Gourmet)
Bottles of wine consumed: Two (Coppola's Merlot, and a Penfold Cab-Shiraz)
Dogs made crazy by laser pointer light: One
Pies made: Two (from baked down pumpkin and dough made from scratch)
Pieces of bread toasted: 11 down (five to go!) (for stuffing! tomorrow!)
Things yet to do: veggies (celery, radishes, red pepper) to chop, stuffing to make (onion and celery to chop and sautée in butter! toast to squeeze!), potatoes to peel and cook, salad to make (red leaf lettuce, apples, pecans), green beans to steam, turkey (oh yeah!) to defrost, roast, slather in butter and wine, etc.; can of cranberry sauce to open.
Harry Potter movies left to watch: One
Thanksgiving at home: priceless!


Lisa B. said...

Very impressive list, and the meal I am inferring from it sounds wonderful. I hope your day is awesome. That 5th Harry Potter movie is the best one, in my opinion.

Nik said...

I feel like going around asking everyone, how big is your turkey. But it just sounds a wee bit lascivious. Or competitive. Mine? 20.8. For 8.

ErinAlice said...

Yea Thanksgiving. I have a classmate who does not celebrate. I think in respect to the Native Americans. But he is also vegetarian. Maybe that is it. He says you should be thankful everyday. I am I tell him just without as much food. Or a day off. Or Black Friday. Here is to Thanksgiving-and especially to the leftovers.